FAQ Solar Panel Basics And Power Calculation

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1. How to balance between over consumption and under consumption?

Design the solar power generation to be an average of peak load and off peak load. At a point in time, power consumed cannot exceed the inverter rating and the end user will hear a beep sound.

2. Any bad effect if there is under consumption?

None. The power produced in excess and not consumed is simply dissipated as heat. The solar panel is rugged enough to handle this. This under consumption does not impact life of the solar panel in any way.

3. Mounting Considerations On Aesthetic Sense.

There are many mounting options available. If there is no sunshade between houses then the panels can be mounted using Z bracket and tower assembly and designed to be extending outward from the house. As solar panels have drastically improved their efficiencies, for a 2500 sqft house with 4-5 adults no more than 7 panels would be required to produce 80 to 90 % of the needed power.

4. What happens in Winter?

In winter, power produced falls proportionately. Any time the light falls, power produced falls. However, even in winter when the sun is bright and not necessarily hot, still power is produced. Mono crystalline panels are now capable of generating power under very low light conditions (in Chicago). For South India this is rarely a concern. In Chicago winter, the panels keep producing until it is almost dark say 5:30 p.m. In South India, these panels will keep generating at least till 6:30 p.m in winter.

5. So what produces the current? The heat or the light? Or both?

Light energy. It is called Photovoltaic effect.

6. What would be the ideal operating condition for solar panel?

Bright sunny day, not hot sunny day.

7. What are the types of solar panel and how do they work?

Mono crystalline, polycrystalline and epoxy are the main types.

Mono crystalline is high efficiency but generates 24 V. Polycrystalline is low efficiency and generates 12 V.

The practical advantage of mono crystalline panels is that it works on low light conditions, therefore continues to generate power for longer duration during the day.

Now the practical disadvantage. Most mono crystalline panels generate 24V so it needs to go with a 24 Volt battery only. Batteries are typically available in 12 V, so it means fewer options and higher price for a 24 V battery.

8. What would be the effective conversion from DC to AC.

I think assuming 85% efficiency it is 1*0.85/ (1.7) i.e it takes 2 watts of single phase DC to produce 1 watt of 3 phase AC.

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